Search service parameters

The Portfolio search service controls the way that search functions behave. This behavior is controlled through the use of specific search parameters. These parameters are used whenever the search service is invoked, whether from the Portfolio interface or from a Search box embedded in another HTML page.

If you are not familiar working with HTML or where to enter the code snippets, contact SirsiDynix Professional Services.

The Portfolio search service uses these parameters:

Parameter Description Default Behavior


Specifies the entry code of the facet (if any) to display when fully expanded.

By default, the software displays 5 facets for each filter type. When this parameter is configured, each filter type is fully expanded and the software displays all facets.

The entry code corresponds to the <filter_name> in the “qf” parameter. For example, you might enter “fm=PUBDATE” to display all Publication Date facets.

The software displays all facets when fully expanded.

If the service does not recognize the entry code, the software ignores the value and does not apply the parameter.


Specifies the entry code of a limit that is selected and not enforced for the profile that matches the friendly URL.

The software displays the search results with a specific limit applied.

If no limit is specified, then no limit will be applied to the search.


Specifies the locale code with which to display the search results, such as “en_US,” (English-US) “fr_FR,” (for French-France) or “fr_CA” (for French-Canada).

The software displays the search results in the specified locale.

If the service does not recognize the locale code, the software displays the search results using the default locale for the system.


Specifies the query search term used to query the default indices.

No query is malformed: the software returns search results based on whichever search terms are entered.


Specifies the filter search terms (facets) that are used to limit the initial search results. The order in which these values are given determines the order in which the facets are applied to the search results and the resulting facet sequence (breadcrumbs) that displays in the software.

The format of a filter search term is:


where <filter_name> is the name of the filter, and <filter_value> is one of the values for that filter.

For example, the Format facet might produce the filter “qf=FORMAT:BOOK” for a library item that is a book.

The software displays the subset of search results limited by the filter search term.

If the service does not recognize the format, it ignores the value and does not apply the filter to the search results.


Specifies the start row for the result set. If you enter any number from 0–9, the list starts on the first page of results returned; if you enter any number from 10–19, then the list begins with the second page of results returned, etc.

By default, the value is set to “0.”

If you enter a value that is not a number, the list starts on the first page of results returned.


Specifies the entry code of a target that is selected and enabled for the profile that matches the friendly URL.

The software searches against a specific target and displays the subsequent search results for that target.

If no target is specified, then all targets will be searched.

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