Managing OAI-PMH settings

Open Architecture Initiative–Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) lets you publish the metadata of your asset archive to be searched by other entities. While a list of assets is returned, the actual assets or link to the assets is not returned. For more information, see

When OAI-PMH is set up, harvesters can access the metadata in your system for assets that are marked with the asset level “Extended Public (Everyone)” and in which the status is “Published.” Metadata for assets with greater security or that have a status of “Staged” or "Hidden" will not be included. Harvesters access the metadata in the archive through your base URL (for example:, where “” is the URL for your system; “discovery-search/OAIHandler is where harvesters can access the metadata). Also, note that the URL is case-sensitive: "OAIHandler" must be spelled with a capital "H".

As a publisher, Portfolio publishes its hierarchy as sets.

Deleted records are not persistent nor transient.

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