Fields: Profiles
Profiles lets you manage the search profiles that are available on your system. A search profile defines an entry point where users can search library materials. Each search profile controls the branding, theme, CSS, and other display elements, language display settings, and other functional and graphical elements. For example, you might want to create a different search profile for children’s library materials. This profile might have a different look and feel that is more specific to children’s items.
You can add new search profiles, edit, copy, or delete existing search profiles, change the display elements for a search profile, configure the languages used to display a specific profile, or specify the facets displayed for that profile in Searching.
You can sort the Search Profile List by clicking the column heading of the information by which you want to sort. For example, click the “Name” column to sort the Search Profile List by name. When you click the column heading the first time, the software sorts the information in the Search Profile List in ascending order by the column heading. If you click the column heading a second time, the software sorts information in the Search Profile List in descending order by the column heading. When you click a column heading, the software displays a sort arrow to the right of the column name that indicates whether the data is being sorted in ascending () or descending () order.
Search Profile List
Displays a list of the existing search profiles on the system.
The list displays this information:
Option | Description |
Code |
Displays a unique code for the search profile. Codes are displayed in all uppercase letters. |
Name |
Displays the name of the search profile. |
Displays the name of the folder in the URL that is used to access the search profile. You can use the name displayed as part of the URL to access the Searching interface. For example, if your library URL were, and the profile URL were example, you would use the following URL to access the Searching interface: |
Management options
Let you manage profiles by adding, editing, or deleting them. You can also manage the languages available for each search profile and the page elements that display for each search profile.
You can choose these options:
Option | Description |
Add Profile
Lets you create a new search profile. For more information, see Creating a new search profile. |
Import Profile
Let's you import a previously extracted profile. You are prompted for the .tar file's location. |
Lets you edit the profile information for a specific search profile. Editing a search profile lets you change the information about the profile that is displayed in the Search Profile List. For more information, see Editing a search profile. |
Lets you preview the profile as it would be displayed in Searching. If you are loged in as an Admin with the PRIV_ROOMS_CONFIG privilege, you can also edit the profile's Home page content, banner, and footer. For more information, see Previewing a search profile. |
Lets you copy the settings for a specific profile. For more information, see Copying a search profile. |
Cascade Settings
Lets you copy selected settings from the profile to multiple, existing profiles. |
Lets you delete a search profile. For more information, see Deleting a search profile. |
Configuration options
The options in the Configuration column let you specify settings for the appearance and functionality of the Search interface.
You can choose these options:
Option | Description |
Configure Languages
Lets you configure the languages in which this profile can be displayed. The languages that you choose are displayed to patrons in Searching. Patrons can then choose to display Searching in any of the languages listed. For more information, see Configuring languages for a search profile. |
Configure Custom Page Elements
Lets you define the default and custom display elements for this search profile. Custom display elements include the assigned theme for this search profile, any custom CSS information, and any banner or page content. For more information, see Changing the custom page elements for a search profile. |
Display Selection
Lets you select a search results or detail display for each search target enabled for a profile, to customize the library item information that is presented to patrons when they view search results or an individual item found in Searching. For more information, see Selecting displays for a search profile. |
Configure Facet Display
Lets you configure which facets display to patrons in Searching and the order in which they appear. For more information, see Configuring the facet display for a search profile. |
Select Search Targets
Lets you specify which search targets are available or visible to a profile. For more information, see Selecting search targets for a search profile. |
Search Box Options
Lets you specify which search targets will display in Searching for a specific search profile. For more information, see Specifying search box options for a search profile. |
Configure Search Limits
Lets you configure the search limits that display to patrons in Searching, the enforced search limits that limit the search results before they are displayed to patrons, the default optional search limit, and whether patrons will see an option to do a search that is not restricted by optional search limits. For more information, see Configuring search limits for a search profile. |
Manage Pickup Libraries
Lets you select which libraries are available as pickup libraries to library patrons. For more details, see Managing pickup libraries. |
My Account Settings
Lets you enable or disable specific parts of the library user interface, especially those parts that deal with library users' ability to manage their accounts. For more details, see Configuring My Account settings. |
Configure Field Boosts
Lets you adjust the search fields so matches within a specific field (such as title or author) will place the item higher in the search results than a match in other fields (such as publisher). For more details, see Configuring field boosts. |
Configure Advanced Search
Lets you select the formats, languages, and libraries to include in the patron's Advanced Search. For more details, see Configuring fields in Advanced Search. |
Manage Quicksearch buttons
Lets you create and manage preconfigured searches that can be launched by the patron from the Searching interface. For more information, see Adding or editing a Quicksearch button. |