Search Profiles
A search profile delineates a specific entry point and search experience for Searching users. Each search profile can display different branding, languages, and graphic elements. For example, a library might have a search profile specifically for children’s library materials with a different look and feel.
The Admin console lets you, as an administrator, manage all search profiles on your system, create new search profiles, or copy, modify, or delete existing search profiles. You can also change the page elements that display for a search profile or the languages that are associated with a search profile, or specify the facets that display in Searching.
By default, the software includes a standard search profile. When only a single search profile exists, it acts as the default search profile. If you have multiple search profiles on your system, you can designate which profile should act as the default profile.
Search profiles also use themes to control how they appear to Searching users. By default, the software delivers pre-configured themes, but you can also add new themes or modify and delete existing themes. For more information, see Themes.
The Discovery administrator database metadata is cached in the Discovery Server application. Any new search profiles, changes to search profiles, or removals of search profiles will not be reflected to the patron in Searching until the metadata cache is refreshed. For more information, see Refreshing the search cache. |
The Profiles page and configuration options help you to do the following when creating and maintaining search profiles:
- Adding, editing, or removing a profile
- Selecting the language profiles available in the profile
- Specifying the theme and graphic elements that display in the profile
- Selecting or the changing search results display, the detail display, the preferred information sort value, and the pickup library for each search target assigned to a profile
- Configuring the facet display for a profile
- Selecting and enabling search targets for a profile
- Configuring search limits for a profile
For more information, see these topics: