Fields: Assign Assets
You add assets to a room on a per profile basis: the assets appear in the room only in the profile you have selected. In any other profile where the room appears, the room will not contain the same asset list unless the assets are manually assigned that room in that profile as well. These settings apply only to the room in the current profile. If you want to apply these setting to other profiles, use Cascade Room Settings to Profiles (for more information, see Copying room settings to other profiles).
Rooms > Select Profile > Select Room > Assign Assets
Assets can be assigned to room that you create as well as to rooms that contain SirsiDynix-created content. Any room in the hierarchy can contain assets, including home rooms.
All patrons, unless restricted by password, will be able to access the room. Patrons will not be able to view assets for which they do not have the appropriate access level and accountability settings.
Indicates the room in which the assets will be displayed.
Arranges the folders and assets in ascending order by either name (alphabetically) or the date the folder or asset was added to the repository (chronologically)
Specifies which folder to draw the assets from. You can only view the folders for which you have access and accountability rights. All of the assets in the folder will be displayed to those patrons who have the appropriate access level and accountability settings.
Within the Directory, above the Root folder, is the Select None command that clears any selection in the Directory.
Assets per page
Specifies the maximum number of assets that can display at a time in a room. If the number of assets that can display for a patron exceeds the maximum number, controls will be available for the patron to view the next set of assets without leaving the room.
Assets initially appear in database order; however, patrons can sort assets by name or keyword.
Include subdirectories
Specifies that all of the assets below the selected folder will be displayed, including those assets in all subfolders below the selected folder. All of the assets from the subdirectories appear with the assets in the main folder and are listed in database order. They are not listed as a hierarchy. If you want to produce a hierarchy of assets, create rooms for each node of the hierarchy and assign the appropriate assets to those rooms.
Important: For best performance, do not assign a folder that contains more than 30,000 assets to a room. Folders with more than 30,000 assets require much more time to load when a patron selects the room. If you expect your system to be used heavily by patrons, you may want to limit the assets in a room to even fewer.