Fields: Configure Search Limits

In Portfolio, system administrators may create and manage patron-selectable (Optional) search limits and administrator-enforced (Enforced) search limits for search profiles (see Types of search limits for information about each type of search limit).

Rooms > Choose a profile > Navigate to a room > Configure Search Limits

These settings apply only to the room in the current profile. If you want to apply these setting to other profiles, use Cascade Room Settings to Profiles (for more information, see Copying room settings to other profiles).

A search limit only affects searches of the Discovery search targets. Searches of federated search targets are never restricted by search limits.

After an administrator with privileges to manage search limits in profiles (for more information, see Fields: Add/Edit Role) makes a search limit available to one or more search profiles, an administrator with access rooms in the profile can use Configure Search Limits in Rooms to do the following.

  • Enable one or more search limits for a room
  • Specify which search limits are optional, and which (if any) are enforced
  • Determine whether patrons in the current room can search without using any of the optional search limits
  • Specify which optional search limit is the default.

Optional search limits and enforced search limits can be used together for rooms. However, an enforced limit cannot be simultaneously available in Searching as an optional search limit. For example, if the administrator applies a search limit for the Medical Reference Room so that the search results are restricted to materials owned by the Hospital Library, the Hospital Library search limit will not display in the drop-down list next to the Search field in the Medical Reference Room’s search results.

When you configure a search limit for one or more rooms, you must re-index your data and refresh the Discovery administrator database metadata cache in the Discovery server application. For more information, see Refreshing the search cache. After you complete these tasks, the optional search limits will be available to patrons for selection in Searching, and the enforced search limits (if any) will be applied to the rooms.

Select the Limits that you would like to apply

Specifies which search limits available to the profile that you want to associate with the current room.


Displays a list of all the search limits the system administrator has made available to the profile. For more information, see Making a search limit available to search profiles. When you associate a search limit with a specific room, you allow patrons to search using that limit from that room in Searching.

You can select or multi-select one or more search limits and then choose the Select button, or you can double-click individual search limits to move them to the Selected list.


Displays a list of search limits selected (enabled) for this room. The selected search limits can appear as search options in the room when the room is displayed in Searching or be applied as enforced limits that are in effect for every search from the room.

You can select or multiselect one or more search limits and then choose the Remove button, or you can double-click individual search limit to move them to the Available list.

To add or remove search limits in the list, choose the search limit and then use these buttons:

Option Description


Moves the selected search limit from the Available list to the Selected list. Selecting a search limit for a specific room lets you choose to use that limit as optional or enforced on the next page.


Removes the selected search limit from the Selected list and returns it to the Available list.

Note: These buttons are context-sensitive based on which search limit(s) you choose. When you select a search limit in the Available list, the Select option becomes enabled so you can move a limit from the Available list to the Selected list. When you select a limit in the Selected list, the Remove option becomes enabled so you can remove the selected limit.

Specify Optional and Enforced limits

Specifies which of the search limits you selected on the previous page you will use as optional (patron-selectable) or enforced limits.

  • Optional limits appear on a drop-down list next to the Search box. The patron can select which to use to limit the search results.
  • Enforced limits are transparent to the patron but are applied with the limit the patron selects to limit the search results.

Optional Limits

Displays a list of all the search limits you selected on the Select the limits that you would like to apply page. If you want all of the limits to display on the patron’s Search drop-down list, you can click Next. If you want to select one or more limits to always be applied when a patron searches from the room, you need to move those limits to the Enforced Limits list.

You can select or multiselect one or more search limits and then choose the Select button, or you can double-click individual search targets to move them to the Enforced Limits list.

Enforced Limits

Displays a list of search limits that are applied to every search from the room. These limits are not displayed to the user and cannot be overridden. They are added to any other limit that the patron specifies for the search.

Note: If you have localized the name for a search limit, the localized name will display when you change the display language.

You can select or multiselect one or more search limits and then choose the Remove button, or you can double-click individual search limits to move them to the Enforced Limits list.

Note: To remove a limit so it does not appear in either list, you must choose Previous to return to the Select the limits that you would like to apply and remove the limit from the Selected list.

To move a search limit between the Optional Limits and Enforced Limits, choose the search limit and then use these buttons:

Option Description


Moves the selected search limit from the Optional Limits list to the Enforced Limits list.


Moves the selected search limit from the Enforced Limits list to the Optional Limits list.

Note: These buttons are context-sensitive based on which search limit(s) that you choose. (For example, if you select a search limit from the Optional Limits list, the Remove option is disabled because it is not available for search limits in the Optional Limits list. If you select a search limit from the Enforced Limits list, the Remove option is enabled because it is available for search limits in the Enforced Limits list.

Configure patron search limits list

Specifies what appears on the drop-down list the patron uses to limit a search in the room.

Use No Limits

Specifies whether you want an option that allows the patron to search all of the search targets configured for the room without limiting the results by any of the optional search limits. When selected, the patron will have the option to select Everything, which applies no limits other than those already enforced for the room. When Use No Limits is not selected, the patron can switch between the optional search limits, but is not given the option to search all of the room’s search targets without any of the optional limits.

Default Limit

Specifies which of the optional limits to have selected when the patron enters the room.

Apply changes to this room only

Specifies to apply the settings only to the room that you have chosen (not including any child rooms).

Cascade changes to all of this room’s child rooms

Specifies to apply the settings to the room that you have chosen and all of its child rooms. You can change the child room settings independently later without affecting the settings in other rooms.

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