Fields: Rooms
Rooms includes the tools and options needed to create, edit, and delete rooms in your Portfolio system. This includes setting up targets and search limits, making rooms available to administrators and patrons, and hiding rooms.
Changes you make to the room tree structure or to room content will not be available to patrons until you run the SD_CONTENT_EXTRACTOR task. For more information, see Scheduled Tasks. |
After you make changes to the room settings, refresh the cache to make the modifications available to patrons. |
Because much of the functionality of rooms is determined by the search profile, you must select a profile to work in before you can start working in a room tree. Profiles also give administrators with rights to all profiles the ability to control which rooms other administrators can manage. As you begin managing rooms, you should understand how changes to settings for the tree and rooms can affect other profiles. Some settings that affect all rooms in the profile, others affect the room or tree only in the profile you are working in. The following table identifies which settings are system-wide and which are specific to the current profile.
Room Setting | Level of influence |
Availability |
Profile-specific (requires system-administrator rights) |
Visibility |
Profile-specific |
Title |
System-wide |
Label |
Profile-specific |
Room Order |
Profile-specific |
Content |
System-wide |
Layout |
Profile-specific |
Description |
System-wide |
Add Room |
System-wide (initially available and hidden in all profiles) |
Copy Room |
System-wide (initially available and hidden in all profiles) |
Search Targets |
Profile-specific |
Search Limit |
Profile-specific |
Assign Room to Profiles |
System-wide (requires system administrator rights) |
Delete |
System-wide (a room must be unavailable to all rooms before it can be deleted) |
Detach Room |
System-wide |
Attach Room |
System-wide |
Select a Profile
Displays the profiles you have available for which you can manage the rooms. This is the first list in Rooms. You cannot manage the room tree until you select a profile. You must first select a profile because many of the manage rooms settings are specific to the selected profile. Administrators with privileges to all profiles have access to all profiles defined in the system. Other administrators can view and select only those profiles that have been assigned to them.
After you select a profile, the Home Room for the profile is listed with options to manage the room or view the child rooms of the Home Room.
Indicates which profile you are working in. The profile name appears after you have selected a profile from the list.
Select a Different Profile
Returns you to the profile list so you can select a different profile to work in.
Detached Rooms
Opens the Detached Rooms list so you can reattach rooms to the room tree.
Bread crumb bar
Indicates the path and room name of the room that is currently selected. When you select a room in the breadcrumb bar, Portfolio displays that room in the list with its sibling rooms. You should use the bread crumbs to navigate back to the parents of the selected room. Using your browser’s Back button does not work as a way to navigate back through the room tree.
Room list
Displays a list of the existing rooms in the currently selected search profile.
The list displays this information:
Option | Description |
Title |
Displays the name of each child room in the currently selected room of the selected profile. You can click a room name to view that room’s child rooms. |
Room Order |
Displays up and down arrows that you can use to arrange the order of the rooms. Note: Arranging rooms in a profile does not affect the arrangement in other profiles. |
Available |
Indicates whether a room is visible to the administrators assigned to the current profile. Portfolio displays this column only to system administrators. A check in the box indicates that the room is available to administrators who manage the current profile. An empty check box indicates that the room is not available to administrators who manage the current profile, and therefore not visible to patrons using in the current profile When you select or deselect a check box, the room’s children are also all selected or deselected. You cannot make a room available in a profile unless that room’s parent is currently marked as available. |
Visible |
Indicates whether the room is currently displayed or hidden to the patron. Portfolio displays this column all administrators. A check in the box indicates that the room is currently published. An empty box indicates that the room is not published. Selecting or deselecting a box publishes or hides all of the children of that room. You cannot publish a child of a room that is not currently published. |
Options |
Lists the options available to configure the room on that row. These management options are described below. |
Management options
Let you manage rooms by adding, editing, or deleting them. You can also configure the search targets and search limits associated with a room.
Option | Description |
Add Room |
Creates a new room with no content and adds it to the list of rooms. |
View and Edit Content
Lets you edit the text in the content areas of the room. Important: If you copy text from an external editor, such as Microsoft Word or other word processor programs, and paste it into room content areas, you may experience formatting errors (for example, columns may not align as expected, fonts may not match, and so on). To avoid these errors, you can use the Paste as Plain Text command button and then format the text, or you can paste from an external editor and then use the Edit HTML Source command button and delete any unwanted formatting information in the HTML Source. For more information, see Fields: Room Viewer. |
Edit Room
Lets you change the basic settings of a room, such as the name and the content layout. For more information, see Fields: Add/Edit Room. |
Assign Assets
Lets you select which assets are available as links within the room for the current profile. For more information, see Fields: Assign Assets. |
Search Box Options
Lets you select the search targets that will be available to patrons when they search from within the room. For more information, see Fields: Search Box Options. |
Configure Search Limits
Lets you select the patron selectable and administrator enforced limits associated with the room. For more information, see Fields: Configure Search Limits. |
Select the profiles that should have this room available
Lets you specify in which profiles the room will be available. Because the Home Room is unique for each profile, you cannot make it available in other profiles. For more information, see Fields: Select Profiles Note: This option is only available to system administrators. |
Copy Room
Lets you duplicate the room, including room content to a parent room that you specify. Copy Room also duplicates specific properties of the room:
Layout, Search Targets, and Search Limits are all profile-specific. In the current profile, they will be copied as you see them in the original. Because the settings for these properties may be different for the room in other profiles, those will be copied to the new room within each respective profile. For example, if the layout for the room in the current profile has two columns, but in a different profile it has three columns, the copied room will have two columns in the current profile and three in the other profile. You can edit the properties and content of the newly copied room after it is copied. The copied room is hidden initially until you are ready to display it to patrons. For more information, see Fields: Add/Edit Room. |
Cascade Room Settings to Profiles
Lets you copy the room settings from the current profile to other profiles. This allows you to maintain the same content layout for a room between profiles. You can select which settings to copy, and which profiles to copy to. For more information, see Fields: Cascade Room Settings to Profiles |
Delete Room
Lets you delete the room in the respective row. Portfolio does not enable Delete Room unless the room is unavailable in all profiles. Note: This option is only available to system administrators. |
Detach Room
Lets you remove the link between the room and its parent room. This moves the room and all the rooms that branch from it to the Detached Rooms list. From there, it can be attached to any node in the room tree. For more information, see Attaching detached rooms. Note: This option is only available to system administrators. |