Fields: Search Box Options
Search Box Options allows you to associate multiple search targets with the current room in the room tree. You can associate both Discovery and federated search targets with a room. You can also specify the order in which the Discovery and federated search targets display.
Rooms > Choose a profile > Navigate to a room > Search Box Options
You can add, remove, or reorder search targets. The search targets you select for a room are displayed in Searching in the order that they appear in the Selected list under Discovery Search Targets and Federated Search Targets.
These settings apply only to the room in the current profile. If you want to apply these setting to other profiles, use Cascade Room Settings to Profiles (for more information, see Copying room settings to other profiles).
Discovery Search Targets
Displays a list of all Discovery search targets available to the room. Choosing a search target displays that Discovery search target as an option in Searching.
You can select or multiselect one or more search targets and then click Select, or you can double-click individual search targets to move them to the Searchable and Shown list under Discovery Search Targets.
To move search targets to the Searchable Only list, you must first move them to Searchable and Shown. You can then select or multiselect one or more search targets and then click Select to the right of the Seachable and Shown list to move them to the Searchable Only list.
Searchable and Shown
Displays a list of Discovery search targets that are enabled and displayed in the list for this search profile. The search targets you select will appear in the order you specify as options in Searching.
Note: The search target options appear in Searching only if two or more are listed in the Searchable and Shown list under Discovery Search Targets. If only one search target is selected in the Searchable and Shown list, no Discovery search target options will appear in Searching.
You can select or multiselect one or more search targets and then click Remove to move them to the Available list under Discovery Search Targets. Select one or more search targets and use the arrow buttons to move them to or from the other lists and to move them up or down in the list.
Searchable Only
Enables search targets for searching but does not display them in the list for this room.
To move search targets to Searchable Only, you must first move them to the Searchable and Shown list. You can then select or multiselect one or more search targets and then click Remove to the left of the Searchable Only list to move them to the Searchable and Shown list.
Using the buttons
To add, remove, or reorder Discovery search targets in the list, choose the search target, and then use the buttons between the list where you have selected a target and the list to which you want to move the target. The following table describes the buttons:
Option | Description |
Moves the selected search target from the Available list to the Searchable and Shown list or between the Searchable and Shown list and the Searchable Only list. |
Removes the selected search target from the Searchable and Shown list and returns it to the Available list or from the Searchable Only list and returns it to the Searchable and Shown list. |
Move Up
Moves the selected search target up one position in the Searchable and Shown list. |
Move Down
Moves the selected search target down one position in the Searchable and Shown list. |
Note: These buttons are context-sensitive based on which search target(s) you choose. For example, if you select a search target from the Available list, the Remove, Move Up, and Move Down options are disabled because those commands are not available for available Discovery search targets. If you select a search target from the Searchable and Shown list, the Remove, Move Up, and Move Down options are enabled because those commands are available for selected Discovery search targets.
Federated Search Targets
Displays a list of all Federated search targets available to the room. Choosing a search target displays that Federated search target as an option in Searching.
You can select or multiselect one or more search targets and then click Select, or you can double-click individual search targets to move them to the Searchable and Shown list under Federated Search Targets.
To move search targets to the Searchable Only list, you must first move them to Searchable and Shown. You can then select or multiselect one or more search targets and then click Select to the right of the Seachable and Shown list to move them to the Searchable Only list.
Searchable and Shown
Displays a list of Federated search targets that are enabled and displayed in the list for this search profile. The search targets you select will appear in the order you specify as options in Searching.
Note: The search target options appear in Searching only if two or more are listed in the Searchable and Shown list under Federated Search Targets. If only one search target is selected in the Searchable and Shown list, no federated search target options will appear in Searching.
You can select or multiselect one or more search targets and then click Remove to move them to the Available list under Federated Search Targets. Select one or more search targets and use the arrow buttons to move them to or from the other lists and to move them up or down in the list.
Searchable Only
Enables search targets for searching but does not display them in the list for this room.
To move search targets to Searchable Only, you must first move them to Searchable and Shown. You can then select or multiselect one or more search targets and then click Remove to the left of the Searchable Only list to move them to the Searchable and Shown list.
Using the buttons
To add, remove, or reorder Discovery search targets in the list, choose the search target, and then use the buttons between the list where you have selected a target and the list to which you want to move the target. The following table describes the buttons:
Option | Description |
Moves the selected federated search target from the Available list to the Selected list. |
Removes the selected federated search target from the Selected list and returns it to the Available list. |
Move Up
Moves the selected federated search target up one position in the Selected list. |
Move Down
Moves the selected federated search target down one position in the Selected list. |
Note: These buttons are context-sensitive based on which search target(s) you choose. For example, if you select a search target from the Available list under Federated Search Targets, the Remove, Move Up, and Move Down options are disabled because those commands are not available for available federated search targets. If you select a search target from the Searchable and Shown list under Federated Search Targets, the Remove, Move Up, and Move Down options are enabled because those commands are available for selected federated search targets.
Field Drop Down
Specifies the fields that are listed in the search box options. You can select which fields appear and the order in which they appear in the list.
Any fields that you have selected as facets display in the list as "Keyword in [field name] headings," which indicates that the field, when selected by a patron, allows a browse-type search. For example, searching for "Smith" in "Keyword in Author headings" produces a list of authors in which "Smith" appears anywhere in the author field, followed by the number of books listed for each author. Clicking the author's name displays the list of books by that author.
Displays a list of all the fields in the system. Choosing a field displays that field as an option in the fields drop-down list in Searching.
You can select or multiselect one or more search fields and then choose the Select button, or you can double-click individual search targets to move them to the Selected list under Federated Search Targets.
Displays a list of fields selected for this search profile. The selected federated fields appear as options in fields drop-down list in Searching.
Note: The selected search fields appear in Searching only if they are found in at least one of the source targets selected in the Discovery Search Targets list.
You can select or multiselect one or more search fields and then click Remove, or you can double-click individual search fields to move them to the Available list under Federated Search Targets. Select a single search list and use the arrow buttons to move it up or down in the list.
To add, remove, or reorder search fields in the list, choose the search field , and then use these buttons:
Option | Description |
Moves the selected field from the Available list to the Selected list. |
Removes the selected field from the Selected list and returns it to the Available list. |
Move Up
Moves the selected field up one position in the Selected list. |
Move Down
Moves the selected field down one position in the Selected list. |
Note: These buttons are context-sensitive based on which field(s) you choose. For example, if you select a field from the Available list under Federated Search Targets, the Remove, Move Up, and Move Down options are disabled because those commands are not available for available fields. If you select a field from the Selected list under Federated Search Targets, the Remove, Move Up, and Move Down options are enabled because those commands are available for selected fields.
Apply changes to this room only
Specifies to apply the settings only to the room that you have chosen (not including any child rooms).
Cascade changes to all of this room’s child rooms
Specifies to apply the settings to the room that you have chosen and all of its child rooms. You can change the child room settings independently later without affecting the settings in other rooms.