Managing the availability of rooms to a profile
If your account has the PRIV_PROFILE_ALL privilege, you can make rooms available to be administrated by other administrators who have access to that profile.When you remove rooms from a profile, administrators who work in Rooms and other areas of the profile will not see those rooms; therefore, they will not be able to edit the configuration or content associated with those rooms.
The availability also applies to patrons who access a profile. In this way you can restrict the content that patrons have access to in a profile. For example, you can create a profile for early readers or a profile that focuses on a specific area of interest.
The availability of rooms is specific to each profile. Removing a room from one profile does not remove the room from any other profile, nor does it delete the room from the Portfolio room tree. These settings apply only to the room in the current profile. If you want to apply these setting to other profiles, use Cascade Room Settings to Profiles (for more information, see Copying room settings to other profiles). |
When you remove availability to a room in a profile, you also remove availability to all of the children that branch from that room. When you restore availability to a room in a profile, you also restore availability to all of the children that branch from that room. |
When any administrator adds a room to the room tree, that room is made available at the same room tree location to all profiles. If that room tree location is not available in a profile, that profile will not have access to the new room.
When you a make a room unavailable, you also make all of the children that branch from that room unavailable. Conversely, when you make a room available, all of the children of that room are also made available.
Copying a profile copies all of the tree settings of that profile. All of the rooms marked available or unavailable will have the same availability in the copied profile. When you create a new profile, all rooms in the room tree are made available but hidden. You will need to adjust the availability and visibility settings as you need for the new profile.
Changes you make to the room tree structure or to room content will not be available to patrons until you run the SD_CONTENT_EXTRACTOR task. For more information, see Scheduled Tasks. |
To manage the availability of rooms in a profile
Log in to the Admin Console.
Note: You must log in to an account with system administrator rights.
- Choose Rooms from the navigation pane.
- Select the profile in which you want to work.
- Navigate to the room where you want to remove or restore availability of rooms.
In the Available column select the check box for each room you want to remove or restore in the profile.
A check in the box indicates that the room is available to administrators working in the profile. An empty check box indicates that the room is not available to administrators working in the profile.
Important: Whether you make a room available or unavailable, Portfolio cascades that setting to all of the children of the room. Depending on the number of children, the process may take a few moments.