Adding a MARC Map
Creating a MARC Map involves creating a hierarchy of mappings to different tags or subfields that will populate the field. The new MARC Map may include multiple tags and subfields that you want included for display in a search field. As a shortcut, you could copy a similar MARC Map and edit the copy according to your needs.
After adding or making changes to any MARC Map, you will need to harvest any search sources that will be using that MARC Map for the changes to show up in the Searching interface. |
To add a MARC Map
- Log in to the Admin console.
- Choose Search Configuration from the navigation pane.
- Choose MARC Maps.
Do one of the following:
- Choose Add MARC Map.
- If you want to base the MARC Map on an existing MARC Map, choose the Copy option for the that MARC Map.
In the Code field, enter a unique code to identify the MARC Map.
Note: In order to quickly locate your library's custom MARC Maps, you may consider including a prefix (such as a library prefix) for both the Code and Name fields. The MARC Map Code and Name appear only in the Portfolio Admin console; they never appear in the Searching interface, so patrons will never see them.
- Enter a name for the MARC Map.
- Include any conditions and settings you want for the MARC Map (for more information, see Fields: Add/Edit/View/Copy MARC Maps.)
- When you have finished, choose OK.
- From the MARC Maps list, choose either the Configure MARC 21 Tags or Configure UNIMARC Tags option, as appropriate, for the new MARC Map.
From MARC Tag Maps, do one of the following:
- Choose Add Tag Map.
- If you want to base the Tag Map on an existing Tag Map, choose the Copy options for that Tag Map.
- Enter the properties that you want for the Tag Map, then choose OK (for information about the Tag Map options, see Fields: Add/Edit/View/Copy Tag Map).
- Repeat the previous two steps for each Tag Map you want to add to the MARC Map.
- Choose the Configure Subfield Maps option for the new Tag Map.
From Manage Subfield Maps, do one of the following:
- Choose Add Subfield Map.
- If you want to base the Subfield Map on an existing Subfield Map, choose the Copy options for that Subfield Map.
- Enter the properties that you want for the subfield, including the name of the subfield (or an underscore ( "_" ) to indicate a fixed tag that has no subfields, such as for tag 009) that you want to extract from, then choose OK (for information about the Subfield Map options, see Fields: Add/Edit/View/Copy Subfield).
- Repeat the previous two steps for each Subfield Map you want to add to the Tag Map.