Allowing patrons to search all search targets without restriction by optional search limits

If two or more search targets are enabled for a search profile, or if the Use No Limits option check box is selected in a search profile’s configuration, the Searching drop-down list will include the Everything option at the top of the list for that search profile. The Everything option searches all of the targets enabled for the search profile, and does not restrict the search results by any optional search limits enabled for the search profile.

If any enforced search limits are selected for a search profile or, the search results will always be limited by the enforced search limit before the search results are presented in Searching. Therefore, the search results will limited by an enforced limit regardless of the Use No Limits search profile option setting or the patron’s selection from the Searching drop-down list.

Depending on the configuration of the search profile, the Searching drop-down list may contain the Everything option, search targets, and/or search limits. The following list explains the effect of each selection in Searching.

  • If the patron chooses a search target in the drop-down list, the search results are restricted to the results for that search target, but are not restricted by any of the displayed optional search limits.
  • If a patron chooses an optional search limit in the drop-down list, the search results include results from all search targets enabled for the search profile; however, the results from Discovery search targets are restricted according to the selected search limit.
  • If the patron chooses the Everything option in the drop-down list, the search results include results from all search targets enabled for the search profile, and the results are not restricted by any of the displayed optional search limits.

    Note: If the Everything option is displayed in the Searching drop-down list for the search profile, Everything is the default optional search limit unless an optional search limit is selected in the Default Limit field in the search profile configuration. For more information about the default optional search limit, see Configuring search limits for a search profile.

For more information about allowing a search profile to search all enabled search targets without restricting the search results by any optional limits, see Configuring search limits for a search profile.

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