Fields: Search Limits

Search Limits lets you create, view, edit, and delete the search limits that are available on your system. A search limit is used to restrict search results by one or more search criteria. Unlike facets, which are used to limit search results by a broad category, search limits can narrow search results by more specific or complex criteria.

Search Limits

You can associate search limits with a specific search profile so that patrons can use them to limit their search results. You can also apply a search limit to a profile so that all searches in the profile are restricted by the search limit. For more information, see Types of search limits.

When you create a search limit, edit a search limit expression, or associate a search limit with a profile, you must re-index your data and refresh the Discovery administrator database metadata cache in the Discovery server application. For more information, see Refreshing the search cache.

Search Limit List

Displays a list of the existing search limits on the system.

You can sort the Search Limit List by clicking the column heading of the information by which you want to sort. For example, click the “Name” column to sort the Search Limit List by name. When you click the column heading the first time, the software sorts the information in the Search Limit List in ascending order by the column heading. If you click the column heading a second time, the software sorts information in the Search Limits List in descending order by the column heading. When you click a column heading, the software displays a sort arrow to the right of the column name that indicates whether the data is being sorted in ascending () or descending () order.

The list displays this information:

Option Description


Displays a unique code for the search limit (up to 30 characters).


Displays the name of the search limit (up to 80 characters).

Management options

Lets you manage limits by adding, editing, or deleting them, and assigning them to search profiles.

You can choose these options:

Option Description

Add Search Limit

Lets you add a new search limit. For more information, see Creating a new search limit.

Page Number

Lets you quickly move through a search profile list that continues for multiple pages. Choose a page number to display the search profiles on that list page.


Lets you edit the information for an existing search limit. For more information, see Editing a search limit.

Assign Limit to Profiles

Lets you assign the search limit to one or more search profiles. For more information, see Making a search limit available to search profiles and Configuring search limits for a search profile.


Lets you delete an existing search limit. For more information, see Deleting a search limit.

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