Fields: Add Account
The Add Account page lets you add new administrative accounts to your system. When you add a new account, you must specify a unique account name. If you enter a name that is currently being used for another administrative account, the software highlights the Account Name field and displays an error message indicating that the name is already being used by another account and that the account name must be unique to the new account.
When you have finished entering data on the page, choose OK to save your changes, or choose Cancel to discard your changes and return to Accounts.
Those fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) are required. If you do not enter information for a field that is required, the software prompts you that the information is missing. |
Security > Accounts > Add Account
Specifies the name (up to 30 characters) that the owner of the account uses to log in to the Admin console.
Note: The username is case-sensitive.
Note: This value must be unique. If you enter an account name that is already being used elsewhere on the system and try to save the account, the software displays an error message indicating that the value must be unique, and informing you that the value you entered is already being used for another account.
Display Name
Specifies the name (up to 80 characters) of the owner of the account. This may be the name of a person or department, or a description of how the account will be used. Because Display Name is included as a sortable column in the Accounts list, you should develop a standard for entering display names that will help you locate accounts more easily. The display name displays next to the Log Out link when the user logs in.
Specifies the password (up to 999 characters) the account owner uses to access the Admin Console.
Note: The password must be a minimum of 6 characters long.
Confirm Password
Confirms that the account’s new password (up to 999 characters) was entered correctly.
Note: You must re-type the password; you cannot copy and paste the information into the field.
Note: If you enter a password in the Confirm Password field that is something other than what you entered in the Password field, the software displays an error indicating that the information in the fields must match.
Specifies the email address (up to 80 characters) to use to contact the account owner. When an administrator resets the password for an account, Portfolio uses the email address to send a new password to the account owner; therefore, you should verify that the email address is entered correctly.
Portfolio also emails any users with administrator accounts if the Discovery ILS Agent fails to respond. Portfolio will send an email daily to all system administrators until the Discovery ILS Agent has been reactivated or the ILS datasource associated with the Discovery ILS Agent has been removed.
Note: If the email address does not match the standard format for an email (user@hostname.domain), the software displays an error indicating that the email address is invalid.
Confirm Email
Confirms that the email address (up to 80 characters) is entered correctly.
Note: If you enter an email address in the Confirm Email field that is something other than what you entered in the Email field, the software displays an error indicating that the information in the fields must match.
Specifies the type, and therefore the access rights, of the account.
Note: Your role must include the PRIV_ACCOUNT privilege in order for the Role drop-down list to appear.
Important: When you assign a role to a user that includes the PRIV_PROFILE privilege rather than the PRIV_PROFILE_ALL profile, a list of available profiles and a list for selected profiles opens for you to assign access for the user.
User Security Policy
Specifies the security policies such as password requirements and login rules for the account. Select an option from the drop-down list. For more information on user security policies, see Managing user security policies.
Note: If you select Inherit from Role, the user security policy assigned to the role is also assigned to the account. To see which user security policy is assigned to a role, go to Security and select Roles.
Force password reset
Requires users to reset their password the next time they log in to their account.
External Account Settings
Configures the user’s credentials for a selected authentication server. Administrative authentication provides accountability and access levels for the user to manage items that have accountability or access level security attached to them. Currently, the only authentication server that provides accountability management for Portfolio is SirsiDynix Symphony through its web services.
Because the accountability and/or access level authentication account is managed separately from the Portfolio administration account, users need to be aware that any changes they make to their accountability authentication account (in Symphony) needs to be made to the External Account Settings configuration. If a user’s authentication settings are incorrect, they still log in to Portfolio successfully; however, the user’s access to features and content that requires accountability is restricted. In short, Portfolio treats the user as though the account has no accountability assigned to it.
Users have access to modify the credentials for their External Account Settings on their own as long as they have the privileges to edit their own account settings (PRIV_ACCOUNT_SELF or PRIV_ACCOUNTS).
External Username
The user’s log in name for the selected authentication server. The maximum length of the username is regulated by the selected External Authentication Server.
The user’s password for the selected authentication server. The maximum length of the password is regulated by the selected External Authentication Server.
Confirm Password
Verifies that the password entered correctly.
External Authentication Server
Specifies the authentication server that administers the accountability for the administrative user. You can add or remove authentication servers in the Authentication Servers page (for more information, see Managing patron authentication).
Important: Currently, the only authentication server supported for accountability is the SirsiDynix Symphony Web Services server. If you select a different server, Portfolio logs the user in to the Admin console without error, but no accountability is enabled.
Important: If the authentication server is being used to connect one or more users to external accounts, you will not be able to delete the server until the external account settings for each account are either cleared or set to authenticate against a different server. For more information, see Deleting an authentication server definition.