Fields: Add/Edit Horizon Web Services Authentication Server
If you are using the Horizon ILS to manage patron authentication, you can use Horizon Web Services to connect to the patron store. Patrons will be presented with the same login as with the other means of providing authentication. By authenticating through Web Services, Portfolio can provide patron services such as My Account without leaving the Portfolio interface.
Security > Authentication Servers > Add Horizon Web Services Server
Entry Code
Specifies a unique code for the server (up to 30 characters). This code is used to identify the authentication server on the Authentication Servers page and on any other pages that display the authentication server code.
Codes are displayed in all upper case letters. If you enter lower case alphanumeric characters for the code, the software automatically converts them to upper case when the code is displayed. The Entry Code cannot include spaces. If you enter a space, Portfolio will display an error message when you save the settings.
Note: This value must be unique. If you enter a code that is already being used elsewhere on the system and try to save the authentication server, the software displays an error message indicating that the value must be unique, and informing you that the value you entered is already being used for another authentication server.
Specifies the system name of the Web Services authentication server (up to 80 characters) for the specified language. This name is used to identify the Web Service server on the Authentication Servers page and in the Security Options area of the Add/Edit/Copy Profile page. For more information, see Fields: Add/Edit/Copy Profile.
For this field, you can also specify an alternate name for a specific language. Choose the language from the drop-down list of supported languages, then enter the localized name in the field.
Note: If your web browser is configured to use a display language that is not supported by Portfolio and you have chosen to display the Admin console in a language other than the default language (en_US), the language that displays in the drop-down list of supported languages defaults to US English.
If a localized name already exists for a specific language, the software displays that language name differently in the drop-down list. When you enter a localized name for a specific language, the language name appears with a “++” suffix. If you clear the localized name for a specific language, the software displays the language name without the different formatting.
Web Services
Specifies the Horizon Web Services instance to use for authenticating to your ILS. If the Horizon Web Service you need is not listed, you will need to set it up in Web Services (see Managing web services). If the web service you need is for the Symphony ILS, you will need to set up the authentication server with Symphony Web Services (for more information, see Fields: Add/Edit Symphony Web Services Authentication Server).
Horizon Web Services authenticated Client Secret
Lets Portfolio authenticate calls to Horizon Web Services. The Client Secret is the passcode that was set up in Horizon Web Services that enables various services. Specifically for the authentication server, it enables PIN recovery and self-registration; however, other authenticated functions, such as payments, also rely on the Client Secret.
Allow patrons to request their PIN to be emailed to them
Specifies that a link named "Forgot your PIN?" is added to the login interface that leads the patron through the steps of recovering a forgotten PIN or password.
Important: For the PIN recovery service to work correctly, you must enter the Web Services authenticated Client Secret.
Patron Self Registration
Specifies the means of implementing self registration, including the option of disabling self registration.
Collecting the date of birth for children under the age of 13 without verifiable parental consent may violate the U.S. Federal law, “the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act” (COPPA). SirsiDynix recommends that the library seek the advice of its attorney on complying with COPPA. |
Self-registration is not available on a profile that requires authentication. If you want to enable self-registration on a profile, you must disable the Authentication Required option. For more information, see Fields: Add/Edit/Copy Profile. |
Enable using an External URL
When you enter a URL in the field (up to 255 characters), the program activates the Register link in the Portfolio patron login. When the patron clicks on the link, the page that you specify opens. You can link to a page that your library has created that explains the registration process, or to a page that allows the user to register or begin the registration process.
Enable using Web Services
Specifies that an interface is available for patrons to create an account for themselves through Portfolio. When you enable self-registration through web services, Portfolio inserts a Register link in the Login interface. When a patron chooses the Register link, an online registration page opens that presents the fields required to create an account at the library.
Important: For the self-registration service to work correctly, you must enter the Web Services authenticated Client Secret (for more information, see Fields: Add/Edit Horizon Web Services Authentication Server).
Note: You can configure which registration fields appear on the self-registration page in the Horizon Information Portal Admin.
Turns off self registration for all profiles using this web services server and removes the Register link from the login page.
Post-Registration Page
This option appears only when Enable Self Registration through Web Services has been selected. |
Specifies the layout and content of the page that Portfolio opens after the patron has successfully completed self-registration. The Post Registration Page editor is a WYSIWYG HTML editor that allows you to create a page of content as you would in a room. You can include further instructions to the patron, links to other resources, and the user ID assigned to the patron.
To display the user ID the system has assigned to the patron, include the "$USR_ID" code in the editor. |
The buttons along the top of the editor give you quick access to various commands, most of which are common to HTML editors or word processors. You can use these command buttons:
Option | Description |
Undoes the last action you made in successive order. |
Redoes the last action you made in successive order. |
Select text color
Lets you specify the color of the selected text. |
Select background color
Lets you specify the color of the background. |
Indents a selected paragraph or group of paragraphs. |
Moves a selected indented paragraph or group of paragraphs back out to the margin. |
Align left
Aligns the content with the left margin. |
Align center
Centers the content between the margins. |
Align right
Aligns the content with the right margin. |
Distributes the text evenly between the margins. |
Cuts selected text and puts it on the clipboard for pasting. |
Copies selected text and puts it on the clipboard for pasting. |
Pastes the content of the clipboard directly into the editor at the insertion point. Because of differences in format, if you copied the content from a different program, the results of the paste may not be what you expect. |
Paste as Plain Text
Strips any formatting from the contents of the clipboard as it pastes it into the content area editor. Formatting codes from other applications can cause the HTML to format improperly. |
Opens a menu of emoticons that you can add to the content. |
Applies a bold format to selected text. |
Applies an italic format to selected text. |
Underlines selected text. |
Crosses out selected text by drawing a line through it. |
Adds very small letters just below the line of text. |
Adds very small letters just above the line of text. |
Source Code
Opens the content in a text editor so you can work directly with the HTML code. Important: If you use the HTML editor, it saves the code according to its preferred HTML style, which may change how you want the content to be displayed. This may also happen when you switch from the HTML editor to the WYSIWYG editor. If you need to ensure that the editor does not change the raw HTML code, use the HTML link at the top of the content area. |
Bullet list
Lets you create an unordered (bulleted) list. |
Numbered list
Lets you create an ordered (numbered) list. |
Insert/edit image
Lets you specify the location and properties of an image file. All images must be identified by a URL. After inserting the path to the image, you can define appearance of the image in the text (a preview pane displays how the settings affect the image and text). |
Insert/edit media
Lets you specify the location and properties of a media file. All media must be identified by a URL or embed code. After inserting the path to the file, you can define the dimensions of the media file. |
Specifies the location of an anchor in the current content area that you can link to from within the same area. |
Insert/Edit Link
Lets you define a link to another web page. The page may be within or outside your system. Many of the settings require a good knowledge of HTML formatting |
Remove link
Disables and removes the settings for the current link. |
Paragraph style
Lets you choose the style of the selected paragraph. |
Font Family
Lets you specify the style of the font for selected text. |
Font sizes
Lets you specify the font size for selected text. |
Related topics
Managing patron authentication
Setting up LDAP authentication
Setting up Web Services authentication
Editing an authentication server definition
Setting up a self-registration page