
You can further customize how Searching appears to patrons using themes. A theme is a collection of one or more CSS files and related image files that defines the styles for elements that display in Searching. A theme allows you to extend or override existing styles that display by default in Searching. Additionally, you may create a custom CSS file to further customize the styles that display in Searching after a theme is applied.

The CSS file associated with a specific theme is applied to the look and feel of the Searching interface after the software-specific stylesheets are applied. This allows administrators to override software-specific styles if they choose.

By default, the software includes some pre-designed themes, including those to match existing SirsiDynix products such as EPS and Horizon Information Portal. You can apply these pre-designed themes, create your own custom theme, or edit or delete existing themes.

All pre-designed SirsiDynix themes are ADA-compliant at the Priority 2 level. This means that these themes, when displayed in the Searching interface, accommodate all web content accessibility guidelines published by the World Wide Web Consortium at the Priority 2 level, in conjunction with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1998 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. For more information about the W3C’s standards for web content accessibility, see

In order to apply a theme to the way that Searching displays, you must associate it with a specific search profile. You can apply the same theme to multiple profiles to maintain a consistent look across all the search profiles that you make available to patrons. You can also designate a theme as the default theme for the system, which you can then apply to any search profile. If you decide to change the default theme, all search profiles that are set to use the default theme will reflect the updated default theme.

Mobile pages are only supported on the Flat theme. For a profile on which you want to enable mobile pages, you can still set whichever theme you prefer. All visits to a mobile enabled profile by a user on a mobile device display in the Flat theme. Users visiting the profile on a desktop system will continue to see the theme chosen for the profile and language combination as normal.

For more information, see these topics: